Thursday, September 08, 2005

Merrie Tale #101

Jane the Phoole’s Merrie Tale One Hundrd & One:  Ye Foure Barbr-Surgeonnes

Yt felle oute that  foure Barber-Surgeonnes they came to Brystolle wythe ye Traind Bandes, whereatte they talkt of what sorte of patients they preferrd.  

The fyrste sayinge, “I shoulde lyke to operayte on ye Mastrs of ye Exchequer, and alsoe ye Bankeres, ffor when you doe to cutte them openne, ynsyde everythynge be yn numerickalle ordere, and yt ys moste easie to ffynde everie-thynge.”

The second sayinge, “Ffor myselfe I preferre ye clerkes, ffor when you doe to openne them uppe, every-thynge ynsyde ys yn alphabetyckalle ordere, yn yt ys moste easie to ffynde every-thynge.”

The thyrde sayinge, “I preferre to operayte on ye taylores, and ye haber-dashers and myllyneres, ffor they have every-thynge ynsyde yn ordere of colour – yt ys verie easie to ffynde all ynsyde.”

But the fourthe sayeth, “I wolde fayne operayte on the Lorde Hyghe Sheriyffe of Brystolle,” and the others marvellynge at thys, explayneth, “He ys easyeste to operayte on, ffor he ys heartlesse, brayne-less, spyne-less, gut-lesse, and hys heade and hys bottom are yn all wyse ynter-changeable.”

And mucche dydde they guffaw at thys, and strayghte away sent to tell me, and I strayghte bolted to telle the Quene, who fayrlee bark’d wyth myrthe.

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